Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Need A Job

My laptop is kind of broken.. Last night, like the idiot I am, I put it on top of the arm rest of the sofa to get the door because it rang, and when I did so.. it fell. I've dropped it before, so I didn't think much and just picked it up and went back to getting the door. When I got back to it.. poof. I turned it on and it would stay at the HP start up logo page... My mom and I took out the battery and put it back in to see if it would help, but it didn't! We turned it on and left it alone for a while and it did change to another page, but this page said something about something failing.... I was so crushed! I've had that laptop for years now! Maybe five or six years.. maybe seven...
Now it's time for me to get a job to replace my broken love! D': I will work hard and get myself a new laptop! ( T o T )


  1. aww. I'm so sorry for that. Good luck on getting a job. I'm only 14 and I sell things throughout the net, I also do endorse entrepreneurs through Twitter and I get paid. Try it if you want


  2. @Tootsie Jean: Sorry for the super late reply! I've been busy with school work and being sick.
    Thank you for the wonderful idea! Maybe I should give it a go.
